Are equal pays for remote employees a good idea?

Reading Time: 4 minutes Should remote employees be paid Silicon Valley salaries regardless of where they live? Some big brands are considering (or rolling out) such policies, and others debate whether or not it makes sense. I’ve recently had several conversations around this topic with engineers and managers, and there doesn’t seem to be a consensus for it. HereContinue reading “Are equal pays for remote employees a good idea?”

Improving the sense of belonging in remote teams

Reading Time: 3 minutes Do you know what’s one of the biggest challenges of remote work? Hint: it’s also one of the major reasons people switch jobs. When talking with my clients and employees, I often find that it’s the lack of connectedness, the lesser sense of belonging, or – to put it differently – team relationship-building issues. Unsurprisingly,Continue reading “Improving the sense of belonging in remote teams”

“The Iris Method” book notes – how to be more effective with remote work and business development in the background

Reading Time: 15 minutes Too long didn’t read You don’t care about my notes? Then buy and read the book. I recommend it. However, if you feel like going through my notes, you’ll find out: why you should read this book if you work remotely how this knowledge may be useful when running a business what in this bookContinue reading ““The Iris Method” book notes – how to be more effective with remote work and business development in the background”

(Un)remote Retreat 2020: Exploring Brodnica Lakeland

Reading Time: 4 minutes Note: I originally posted this article on 11Sigma blog. 2020 was (and still is, when I’m writing it) a weird year. Most of us spend several months in lockdown isolation. For a team of people who love to travel, it was undoubtedly a new experience. It was also the first year when we finally gotContinue reading “(Un)remote Retreat 2020: Exploring Brodnica Lakeland”

Lightweight QA Strategies For Startups That Care About Quality

Reading Time: 9 minutes Note: I originally posted this article on 11Sigma blog. This article is “part two” of two articles about setting a QA process in a startup. I recommend reading part 1 first: Setting a QA process in a startup from scratch. Spoiler alert: references to last Harry Potter book 😉 Define QA role, QA goals, andContinue reading “Lightweight QA Strategies For Startups That Care About Quality”

Setting a QA Process In a Startup From Scratch

Reading Time: 8 minutes Note: I originally posted this article on 11Sigma blog. This is “part one” of two articles about setting a QA process in a startup. Find part 2 here: Lightweight QA strategies for startups that care about quality. “QA” and “process” in the same sentence with “startup”? What about “move fast and break things” and allContinue reading “Setting a QA Process In a Startup From Scratch”

1on1 with Design-First Contract Testing Your OpenAPIs

Reading Time: 6 minutes Take a look at this picture. What do you see? If you haven’t seen it before it’s an example of an epic online shopping experience fail. I’m sure that the person who bought these didn’t expect to get a pair of flappy flip-flops…